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Residence in Belgium

Belgium Residency
by Investment

Investment amount: from € 350,000
Time to obtain: 3-8 months
Get Residency


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Belgian government offers a golden visa to foreigners and their families in exchange for investment in a new or existing Belgian business. After 5 years of permanent residence in the territory of the state, the person receives the right to apply for citizenship. Belgian residence by investment program enables to live in an economically developed state of the European Union and opens up promising opportunities for business development in the European market.

Residence permit acquisition
for the whole family

Exemption from capital gain taxes
and property taxes

Quality education
in Belgian universities

medical care


1 Choose legal form of the enterprise

For foreign citizens wishing to conduct business in Belgium, government provides the opportunity to acquire an Investor visa. The most common forms of companies in Belgium are: joint stock companies (SA), private limited liability companies (SPRL) and cooperative limited liability companies (SC). For large enterprises, the format of a joint-stock corporation (NV/SA) is particularly suitable. Specialists of International Holdings will advise on the best option for establishing business in Belgium.

2 Company registration in Belgium

Registration of a company in Belgium is accompanied by the submitting of an application and a Memorandum of Association to the Register of Legal Entity (RLE). After successful registration, you will receive a company identification number. Before the enterprise starts to operate, it is necessary to register in Social Insurance Fund for annual fees payments. It is also necessary to provide jobs to citizens or permanent residents of the country. International Holdings lawyers will provide legal support during the process of company incorporation in Belgium.

3 Obtaining Belgian residence permit

On the basis of incorporated Belgian company you have an opportunity to obtain a residence permit. International Holdings lawyers will prepare all the necessary documents for you to obtain a residence permit in Belgium. Process of acquiring residence permit takes from 3 months. After five years of legal stay in Belgian territory you will have the right to apply for citizenship. In order to get your passport application approved, you need to pass the state language proficiency test.

Provide a safe place
of residence

for your family with the support
of International Holdings


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Minimum investment required is € 350 000. Investment is made in the incorporation of a new company or purchase of the existing one, under the condition of creating jobs for citizens. Each application is considered individually and depends on the case. Acquiring residence permit by investors takes from 3 to 8 months and involves issuance of a temporary residence permit for a period of 1 year with the possibility of extension for 2 years. After living in Belgium with a residence permit for 3 years, a permanent residence permit can be obtained, and after another 2 years investor may apply for Belgian citizenship.

Resident Belgium by investment


investment agent

Legal support
throughout the process

Individual solution for
investment implementation

Preparation of
required documents

Confidentiality of residency
acquisition procedure

Assistance in establishing
company in Belgium

Lawyers of
International Holdings

will select the most suitable
investment option for Belgian residence
permit acquisition and access
to the benefits of living in Europe


By submitting the application, you agree to have your personal data processed according to our Privacy Policy